Life as Seen Through a Marketer's Eyes

I love marketing, just ask my husband, who listens to me analyze every piece of marketing we are exposed. Here's some of the the random things I think about.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Recent Marketing Campaigns that I like:
--Ebay's "IT" campaign: it's cute and memorable.
--Cacao Reserve Hershey's Chocolate direct mailing campaign really gave the brand a perception of exclusitivity.
--Tonight I saw a TV commercial for high-speed internet in which a man poored some kind of magic silver elixer out of his interent cable that made him do the dishes faster. My fiance commented that "we needed to get some of that stuff." Of course, I can't even remember which internet company it was, so maybe it wasn't that successful.
--Burger King's all-inclusive marketing that uses funny phrases on the french fry wrappers, food bags, the doors, etc. They seem to have copied this from Jack-in-the-Box, who put funny conversational phrases on their bags years ago. However, Burger King has done it ten times better. I love it! If you have some free time, go to Burger King and just start reading everything. It is hilarious. It even makes me hate the creepy Burger King "giant head" a little less.
This list will definatly be added to. I thought of so many marketing campaigns that I loved today, but it's defintaly 2am because I can't remember most of them.

Recent Marketing Campaigns I don't like:
--The "tis beer" Christmas campaign... it almost seems like it's mocking Christmas.
--Laugh. Live. Love. a Coca-cola billboard. I usually love Coca-Cola marketing. This is the first time I have disliked something they do, but this phrase just seems a bit intense for soda.
--Utah news advertisements. They are positioning nightly news programs as an exciting day time Soap Opera. I hate the way they do "teasers" and tell you something intriguing about a news story but won't tell you what it is actually about until you tune in the news program hours later. The few times I have acutally watched the show to find out what they were talking about, it has been very disappointing.


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