Life as Seen Through a Marketer's Eyes

I love marketing, just ask my husband, who listens to me analyze every piece of marketing we are exposed. Here's some of the the random things I think about.

Friday, December 22, 2006

My space

So I'm home for the holidays and I think my family tries to relate to me by talking about marketing campaigns they've seen. My brother pointed out an interesting one that Honda is running for its dirtbike products. They show a bunch of photos of people riding dirtbikes in the mountains and at the top of all the pictures it reads "My space." At the bottom it says something clever about teaching your children that there is more to life than their internet profiles. It's actually a clever attack on and probably really appeals to parents who are concerned with their children's recent craze in using the internet as a social tool. They are concerned that their children will get so caught up in their virtual lives that they forget to experience their real lives, atleast that's how my parents put it. Speaking of dirtbikes, I think at some point in everyone's life, they should have the opportunity to experience an "Idaho Christmas." My brothers and sisters and I spent the afternoon pulling eachother through 2 feet of snow on a sled tied to the back of a dirtbike, which goes pretty fast despite the icy roads. The exciting part is when you get pulled right over the top of a snow mound created on the side of the road by the snow plows! It was also pretty fun to see the look from the police officer that lives at the bottom of our street when we flew by while he was shoveling his sidewalk. Aw... there's no place like home in good old Idaho!


Blogger fraser k said...

It's funny to think that at one point concerned mother's were far more worried about their kids on dirt bikes than this thing called the internet. Yet now, the dirt bike manufacturers can use the fear of the internet to encourage moms to support dirt bikes.

6:24 PM  

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